Phyllis Lehman, MA, BHSP, CHT
Certified Hakomi Therapist
Brennan Healing Science Therapist
Certified Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapist
Brennan Healing Science is a holistic healing modality based on the Human-Energy Conscious System, and its relation to health and disease.
This work combines high sense perception skills and hands-on energy healing techniques, to assist individuals with their personal process of healing. It touches every aspect of a person’s life to improve their quality of life.
The physical body is maintained by the energy field that surrounds it. There are seven levels of the field that correspond to the Seven Chakras; energy vorteses that feed the physical body.
Where there is disease in the body there is an energy imbalance. Disease manifests in these energy or auric fields before it manifests in the body. The clearing and balancing of these subtle levels, maximizes health. Applying physical, psychological and spiritual healing based on ancient and modern techniques, Energy Therapy enables the body to function at its optimum level.
An in-depth explanation of this work may be found in Hands of Light or Light Emerging, Barbara Brennan, Bantam Books.
Or visit: www.BarbaraBrennan.com
Hakomi Therapy combines the mindfulness and non-violence of Eastern spiritual traditions with a unique, highly effective Western methodology.
The body's structures and habitual patterns become a powerful access route to unconscious core material. This allows the hidden beliefs, which shape our lives and relationships to emerge safely into consciousness.
For further insight into this approach read: Hakomi, by Ron Kurtz
Or visit: www.HakomiInstitute.com